Star Trek Starship of Vulcan, Alberta
VAST members (Vulcan Association for Science and Trek) have always maintained, that if you have a name like Vulcan, fans will come. The design of the ship was altered from that of the USS Enterprise and redesigned by Trekker consultant Jim A. Pearson and by engineer D.Day from a model provided by Roy Elmer, a local Star Trek dealer. The new design was then turned over to Gary McKinnon of G an M Welding, who then translated it into the incredible metal ship at the entrance to town. The project was a major disruption for McKinnon, who was not familiar with spaceships and who tried to watch every Star Trek movie and episode he could get his hands on to give him information on how to construct the redesigned FX6-1995A. His farm shop was tied up for months, and local visitors were always asking what he was building. Would you believe a starship? A local autobody man provided the finer details of the paint job. It weighs 5 tons and is 25 feet long